Monday, January 6, 2014

1 Peter 1:13

'[Be Holy]  Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.'

Don't be weighted down by the Monday's. Monday can be like any other day but you have to make it that way! I know, I know, you've been trying to rest this weekend, and then you ended up having to do a bunch of unscheduled things, or you were sick, or you just couldn't sleep at night. And NOW, you have to go BACK to work, and drag yourself through another day. I get it, I know. I used to let Monday get to me too. Especially a Monday like today, cold, windy, and just no fun. But thank the LORD we are alive and living a beautiful life. I have started using Monday's, as a day to be thankful, and to make a list of blessings, so I thought I'd share, and maybe Monday's won't be so hard on y'all anymore.

Happy Monday! January 6th, 2014. I am thankful for:
A warm home, and money to pay the electricity bill to keep it that way.
A car that runs (most of the time) and money to fix it when it doesn't.
My job, where i'm surrounded by such genuine people.
My husband's job, so that he can help take care of us.
Food in our cabinets, even though sometimes it isn't always what we want.
Hot tea this morning. 
The sunshine despite the cold.
God's grace.
My outrageous curls this morning. 
All of the jackets, sweaters, and scarves I have to keep me warm when I go outside.
My husband in general, being wonderful as he always is.
113 days of marriage. 
Forever to look forward to. 
People reading my blog.

So just be thankful today. Have a fully sober and alert mind and don't let your hopes fall for even a fraction of a second. Your monday will be a good day!


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