Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Amos 5:14-15

I'm sorry i'm late loves. I feel like I haven't accomplished much of anything today. I have felt tired, and a little nauseous and my tummy has felt swollen and uncomfortable, so I haven't changed out of my leggings all day. I don't mean to whine but i've never really felt this weird. I can't describe it. I just feel like a balloon. My fingers are so swollen and sore that I had to take off my wedding rings, and now they won't even go back on. I guess i'm done whining, but just pray for me guys. 

Amos 5:14-15
'Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is.   Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.'

Amos. I am sad to say I have never really dove into the book of Amos before. it's one of those that has slipped past me and I have never gotten to fully experience. What a beautiful verse though. Seek the Lord and LIVE :D How wonderful. If you keep your eyes on the skies and let God lead you through, you can live life and life more abundantly. I love the thought. I can only hope that with much prayer and much practice, I can get to the point in my life where I trust God with my every move. It's not that I don't trust him now, I just need to trust him a little more and let him carry me :) I'm somewhat of a worry wort anyway. But this definitely ties into what I was whining about earlier. Maybe I just need to let God handle the discomforts in my body and not let the evils of the world tell me everything that is wrong. I am going to be just fine! God is going to heal me! I hope this blesses every one of you like it has blessed me. 

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