Monday, August 26, 2013

What does Red mean?

Red, has a value to me.
Dyllon got me Red on our one month anniversary. Right when my love for him had just began to form. I still lived in Westfield. I still had some lingering pain, and I was on a new path. I had started a completely new life. And every song on the album, slowly reminded me of someone. Or something that happened. I was happy, and like "Take Care" it was my new soundtrack. 
I listened to it over every other cd. Don't make fun of me. Yes, I am a Swifty. But this CD just gets me. I can't explain it. It's like. Saying what I want to say, for me.

"Loving him was red"
Like fire, like blood pulsing in my veins, like the bright red mustang that had me broken. Loving Dyllon, was red.
Still is. Burning red.

So when I broke the cd today, I was obviously crushed. But what did he do? He took me to get a new one, because he knew how much it meant to me.

the reasons for his perfection are countlessssss.

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