Turn: change in nature, state, form, or color; become.
So, essentially, a state of change. I can't even begin to say how many people have asked me "How's married life?" And the only thing I can come up with is "Married" or "The same". I feel bad about that after I say that. After I think of it. Married life sounds kinda boring. But being married to Dyllon Charles is NOT boring.
Life with my husband, life as newlyweds, so perfect.
Having someone as sweet as him to come home to, is so beautiful. I am so thankful for him, words don't really explain it. yesterday morning, after working 3rd shift, he cleaned the kitchen and made me a full breakfast.
Not to mention he made me a cup of coffee, and it didn't taste bad. This is such a big thing. No one knows how to make my coffee, except me. I put just the right amount of cream and sugar in it, and that's only after I taste test it 2 or 3 times. Well, he did it on the first try. It was so good.
Life with him is so good.
As we spend more time together, I feel like our dreams are growing. Our goals seem to be getting closer, and life is getting more and more real. We spent an hour in the car the other day after we got home, bouncing ideas off of eachother, on things we are going to do, when we buy our dream home. It feels so cool, marrying into such a sweet, and family oriented group of people. This is what I live for, spending time with family. Let me talk about the Cavanaugh's just a little.
My family, depends on mostly eachother. That's one thing I love. They have game nights, and watch movies. They actually have a get together on Thanksgiving and don't let their selfish personal needs get in the way. I've never ever had that so being with them has me more and more blessed by the second. They are so welcoming and they seem genuinely happy the Dyllon wanted to marry me, despite the big change when I first came around. I couldn't be more satisfied. This is why I say over and over, "I love being a Cavanaugh."
but good things are coming. We're saving for a house, where we'll really get things started, and we can begin to start our family. I am pretty sure i've never been so excited for my future. He makes me look forward to things that come, rather than live in the past, and that's the main thing, that makes me fall in love with him every day. He couldn't possibly be more amazing. He's right there with me every Sunday at church. He prays with me, and when i get rushed for things that deserve the wait, he keeps my best interest in mind. He isn't controlling (which I hear too often) He just knows, what's best. He knows me enough, to be able to tell when I'm getting ahead of myself and he brings me back to earth.
Not to mention, that it seems lately, that I care less and less about keeping friendships alive (aside from Samantha). Dyllon, Sammi, and our families are all that matters to me. I don't care about highschool drama anymore. It's part of being an adult, and I'm tired of being judged for stupid stuff, by people I pretend to trust. Not saying, that the friendships I have that are still standing, I don't plan on getting rid of anytime soon,, it's more along the lines of, if you say some kind of crap to me, or want to start a fight, i'm not going to beg or fight to get your friendship back. it's over and done with. no more going back and forth. i'll be 22 in less than a month. it's time to start acting like it.
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